Sonlight Illuminations exists to prepare the Bride of Jesus Christ ~ The vision our LORD has given us is two fold. One is to prepare the Bride of Christ with exceptionally well crafted tools for personal worship as well as corporate arts ministries. The other is to prepare the Bride who is entering into a covenant relationship with her Husband-to-be through the Sacrament of Marriage. Please enjoy your visit to our site.
Dennis & Judy Lynn O'Neill, Owners, Niles Michigan
Dennis & Judy Lynn O'Neill, Owners, Niles Michigan

Dennis & I live on a 5 acre plot of the earth the LORD has allowed us to call home. I have been here for 31 years, and Dennis joined me 13 years ago when we were married. Our home is an old farmhouse that is humble but filled with love, and is called "the Holy Spirit's house" according to our 8 year old grandson. I was blessed with 5 children, and Dennis, 2. They and the 12 grandchildren are God's greatest gifts to us besides His salvation ~ and each other!
The picture of the cross is the one in our backyard, my outdoor sanctuary. It declares that our spot of earth is dedicated to our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ. Many hours are spent here in worship, flagging and dancing unto God, gardening and being amazed at His endless creativity. I did not decide to put a cross in my yard, it was God's idea first. In January of 2001, I was praying in my kitchen late one night and in the Spirit, saw myself standing on the back porch looking out toward the field, and there was a cross standing at the property line. I thought it was interesting because that area was a small wooded area of mostly scrubby trees and vines. When I got up the next morning and took a walk out there, I found there was one tall straight cherry tree. So we cleared the area, cut the top off the tree, and made the tree top the cross' arms. Although time is taking it's toll on the tree, it still stands. PRAISE HIM!
(Sadly, in 2014, a November thunderstorm with high winds took our cross down. We do have plans to build a new one our of some barn timbers we have on the property.
The picture of the cross is the one in our backyard, my outdoor sanctuary. It declares that our spot of earth is dedicated to our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ. Many hours are spent here in worship, flagging and dancing unto God, gardening and being amazed at His endless creativity. I did not decide to put a cross in my yard, it was God's idea first. In January of 2001, I was praying in my kitchen late one night and in the Spirit, saw myself standing on the back porch looking out toward the field, and there was a cross standing at the property line. I thought it was interesting because that area was a small wooded area of mostly scrubby trees and vines. When I got up the next morning and took a walk out there, I found there was one tall straight cherry tree. So we cleared the area, cut the top off the tree, and made the tree top the cross' arms. Although time is taking it's toll on the tree, it still stands. PRAISE HIM!
(Sadly, in 2014, a November thunderstorm with high winds took our cross down. We do have plans to build a new one our of some barn timbers we have on the property.

Worship Accoutrements Display at Karitos Christian Arts Festival. Contact us if you would like to have us display at your Christian event.